The Alpha Program: Workout #6

The Equipment
We try to make all our workouts doable from the gym or home. This workout requires minimal equipment, just a kettlebell and a set of dumbbells. We used a 55lb kettlebell, 50lb dumbbells, and 30lb dumbbells, but use whatever weight suits you the best.
The Workout
This workout was designed to strengthen your upper body and core, while keeping a high intensity to raise your heart rate and improve your cardiovascular strength due to the minimal rest in between movements.

Set #1
For quality reps: no more than 10 seconds rest between movements
4 Rounds:
10 DB standing shoulder press (strict)
15 KB swings
20 mountains climbers

Set #2
For quality reps: No more than 10-sec rest between movements
4 Rounds:
10 DB deficit push-ups
15 DB anchored sit-ups
20 DB bent over rows (90-degree bend @ hips and elbows to the sky on the row)
- Focus on form and control in the movements
- Weight can be scaled depending on strength
- (optional) 1 mile run cash-out