CANIS Films: Namaste Himalaya, A Blue Sheep Expedition
Hunting can take you to places you couldn't dream of visiting. Wild, untamed wilderness; scorching deserts filled with predators and prey; mountain ranges that stretch as far as the eye can see combined with the threat of death or injury with one wrong step or unexpected weather. Recently, CANIS Founder Ryan Efurd and our CANIS Team recently travelled to one such destination in Nepal as one of only 20 teams to be able to hunt for the coveted Blue Sheep in 2021. Blue Sheep are native to the mighty Himalaya Mountains which are home to 8 of the world's Top 10 highest mountains. Namaste: Himalayas, A Blue Sheep Expedition chronicles the team's 12-day journey battling altitude, sickness, snow storms, and impossible terrain in a quest to take a Blue Sheep.